Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow Hell

As you can see we got a little snow this week. (Look I know Chicago and Salt Lake City got more than we did but Steve was out of town Mon-Thurs so back off) It was actually too deep for the kids to have any fun since we got over a foot and Zane is 31" and Issie is 36" tall. That's like us walking through almost 2 feet of snow. Enough complaining onto the updates.
ISSIE: My school was cancelled all week because of the snow and I was supposed to be the star of the week which means the whole week was about ME! Talk about a rip off. I told mommy that I don't like the snow when really there is just too much to have fun. Even Bubbles doesn't like it because her legs aren't long enough. EN: Heather made a little poop area which I made larger today. I have a new "I did it!" dance which looks a little like the Carlton dance from Fresh Prince according to Daddy. Mommy says I just wiggle my booty back and forth and say "I did it!" EN: This is actually hilarious to witness in person.
ZANE: I colored/scribbled my first picture this week. There isn't much to it but mommy thinks it is the best and put it on the fridge. I did make a little socially unacceptable boo boo when mommy was changing me. All she'll let me say is that it involved poop, my hands and the old saying curiousity killed the cat. Mommy and daddy keep putting me down for a morning nap but I'm trying to tell them that I don't think it is necessary anymore. Gosh, they're stubborn.
HEATHER: Since I was a snow bound hermit this week and my husband wouldn't take a snow day I was not in the best of moods. I had to really shovel for the first time and it is not fun. I finally found a doctor this week tht seems to know what she is talking about and my energy level has gone up tremedously. EN: Heather's thyroid doctor told her that her lack of energy and irritability was from "motherhood." Yes, its a male so bash freely since the woman knows her stuff. This was a very boring week and I pray that the next way of snow they are calling for does not happen. I did finally order a pair of pink snow boots so at least I'll finally be able to keep my feet warm.
STEVE: I was in Detroit and Grand Rapids this week and they actually got less snow than Indy. Granted they already had over a foot on the ground when I got there so it all evens out. I get to miss the Suprbowl tomorrow since I have to fly to stupid KC and then drive 3hrs to Wichita so I can be there first thing monday morning. EN: Yes I'm bitter but glad to have a job Other than that I had the usual boring work week and nothing exciting has happened since I've been home unless you count shoveling half the driveway after the sow had been sitting for several days. Heather did get the icy part out of the way before I came home so I didn't have to chip away at anything.
Hopefully next week is more exciting!

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