ISSIE: I had my first Valentine's Day party at pre-School this week and got a lot of cards. Then Mommy took me to play with my friend Sophie and we had lot's of fun even though I was being a stinker. It was so nice outside that I even got a chance to play on my swingset. It makes me very happy to get to go outside.
ZANE: I now have a new shoe thing that drives daddy crazy. I love shoes but apparently I only like to wear one at a time. My new words for the week are "boo" and "Yeah". I like outside also and even got to go to Issie's V-day party and wrestled some 2yr old for a ball. I would have won if mommy hadn't stopped us.
HEATHER: Pregnancy feeling update: Surprisingly pretty good so far. Just a little nauseous but hungry at the same time. I'm trying to get on thetreadmill as often as possible to keep the bad weight off and only gain good weight.
Other than that I love the new haircut but am a little worried with it being so short that I have to maintain the back. I'm irritated that we just bought new clothes with our income tax money and now I don't get to wear them very long. Heck, my pants are already getting tight. Oh well I do enjoy being pregnant and know the weight will come back off eventually. On the whole a good week since I got t get out a bunch: visited my friend Niki during the week, went to a Mary Kay party Thurs. then got the highlights on Sunday. For me that's a lot and to make it even better Steve is taking a week off of traveling.
STEVE: As you read above, I'm taking a week to recharge. I've been traveling every week since the first of the year and need a break. Other than that my big news for the week was that I bit the bullet and joined Facebook. Granted I have lots of time to kill in hotels during most weeks so it only made sense for me to join eventually. I now see where it could be very addicting but who cares. I also got a new pair of running shoes when I was out of town this week. I'm telling you, I'll never buy another pair of running shoes at a chain store again. The people who worked at this one made me walk and jog around the store both barfoot and in the shoes they got me and the shoes I bought feel great.
That's all for this week. Like Heather said I'm in town all week and she has some medical appointments so I'm sure there will be more news next week.
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