ISSIE: This week I channeled my inner 50's housewife and heloped mommy and daddy clean the kitchen (while wearing heals). I'm also the star of the week this coming week in pre-School so we have to make a poster board or something. EN: Heather and I have no clue what this means since Issie started in the middle of the school year and we missed orientation. I have had to go in time out a little more since I've been my usual little stinker self and mommy and daddy actually think they are in charge.
ZANE: The potty rocks!!! Anyway I've had a rough week because these stupid teeth keep coming in. Of course with more teeth I get to eat more food which is awesome! Mommy made me chili this week and even though I end up messy I REALLY like it. I started saying Whoa this week. EN: I refuse to let me son turn into Joey from Blossom Hopefully I'll start feeling better so I can continue my climbing all over everything and give mommy a heart attack.
HEATHER: I am SO over winter already, when does spring get here? EN: Yes she complains all the time about how the weather is SO much better in Memphis We went to the Children's Museum this week and Issie did really well. Of course when both children hit the ground they have to go opposite directions which is fun. Steve was in town more this week which basically saved me because I had to stinkers this week with both of them being sick at some point. I plan to get out of the house if the weather cooperates.
STEVE: I was down in Lexington Monday and Tuesday doing that work thing. Had a dentist appointment so I came back in town. EN: The only saving grace of our dentist is the fact that one room is Cubs and one is Star Wars Other than that it was a pretty easy week. I read a lot (Tom I finished the latest Laurel Hamilton Meredith Gentry book and Princep's Fury by Jim Butcher) and tried to keep my lovely wife sane with two sick kids (I failed). Funny story, every time my wife takes a picture of our son now it looks like he has been drinking heavily.
Lastly, we had a little good news last night. We decided to get an estimate as to what our income taxes would be this year so we did a little online turbo tax stuff. Well it turns out that we are going to get a little over 5k back from the feds but owe the state $120. Considering we had over 17k in cancelled credit card debt that we had to claim we were very happy. So we filed with turbo tax on line and should get our money in a week or two.
Zane...just like his daddy, reading on the toilet. Don't get him potty trained too soon, Heather or you may never get to see either of your boys! ;)