Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow Hell

As you can see we got a little snow this week. (Look I know Chicago and Salt Lake City got more than we did but Steve was out of town Mon-Thurs so back off) It was actually too deep for the kids to have any fun since we got over a foot and Zane is 31" and Issie is 36" tall. That's like us walking through almost 2 feet of snow. Enough complaining onto the updates.
ISSIE: My school was cancelled all week because of the snow and I was supposed to be the star of the week which means the whole week was about ME! Talk about a rip off. I told mommy that I don't like the snow when really there is just too much to have fun. Even Bubbles doesn't like it because her legs aren't long enough. EN: Heather made a little poop area which I made larger today. I have a new "I did it!" dance which looks a little like the Carlton dance from Fresh Prince according to Daddy. Mommy says I just wiggle my booty back and forth and say "I did it!" EN: This is actually hilarious to witness in person.
ZANE: I colored/scribbled my first picture this week. There isn't much to it but mommy thinks it is the best and put it on the fridge. I did make a little socially unacceptable boo boo when mommy was changing me. All she'll let me say is that it involved poop, my hands and the old saying curiousity killed the cat. Mommy and daddy keep putting me down for a morning nap but I'm trying to tell them that I don't think it is necessary anymore. Gosh, they're stubborn.
HEATHER: Since I was a snow bound hermit this week and my husband wouldn't take a snow day I was not in the best of moods. I had to really shovel for the first time and it is not fun. I finally found a doctor this week tht seems to know what she is talking about and my energy level has gone up tremedously. EN: Heather's thyroid doctor told her that her lack of energy and irritability was from "motherhood." Yes, its a male so bash freely since the woman knows her stuff. This was a very boring week and I pray that the next way of snow they are calling for does not happen. I did finally order a pair of pink snow boots so at least I'll finally be able to keep my feet warm.
STEVE: I was in Detroit and Grand Rapids this week and they actually got less snow than Indy. Granted they already had over a foot on the ground when I got there so it all evens out. I get to miss the Suprbowl tomorrow since I have to fly to stupid KC and then drive 3hrs to Wichita so I can be there first thing monday morning. EN: Yes I'm bitter but glad to have a job Other than that I had the usual boring work week and nothing exciting has happened since I've been home unless you count shoveling half the driveway after the sow had been sitting for several days. Heather did get the icy part out of the way before I came home so I didn't have to chip away at anything.
Hopefully next week is more exciting!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Zane on a Toilet

Well as you can see te little man has started showing interest in potty training. We're letting him dictate when he wants to get on the potty since it is a little early to try to do any actual training. Apparently our children show interest early since Issie did the same thing. Now without further ado:

ISSIE: This week I channeled my inner 50's housewife and heloped mommy and daddy clean the kitchen (while wearing heals). I'm also the star of the week this coming week in pre-School so we have to make a poster board or something. EN: Heather and I have no clue what this means since Issie started in the middle of the school year and we missed orientation. I have had to go in time out a little more since I've been my usual little stinker self and mommy and daddy actually think they are in charge.

ZANE: The potty rocks!!! Anyway I've had a rough week because these stupid teeth keep coming in. Of course with more teeth I get to eat more food which is awesome! Mommy made me chili this week and even though I end up messy I REALLY like it. I started saying Whoa this week. EN: I refuse to let me son turn into Joey from Blossom Hopefully I'll start feeling better so I can continue my climbing all over everything and give mommy a heart attack.

HEATHER: I am SO over winter already, when does spring get here? EN: Yes she complains all the time about how the weather is SO much better in Memphis We went to the Children's Museum this week and Issie did really well. Of course when both children hit the ground they have to go opposite directions which is fun. Steve was in town more this week which basically saved me because I had to stinkers this week with both of them being sick at some point. I plan to get out of the house if the weather cooperates.

STEVE: I was down in Lexington Monday and Tuesday doing that work thing. Had a dentist appointment so I came back in town. EN: The only saving grace of our dentist is the fact that one room is Cubs and one is Star Wars Other than that it was a pretty easy week. I read a lot (Tom I finished the latest Laurel Hamilton Meredith Gentry book and Princep's Fury by Jim Butcher) and tried to keep my lovely wife sane with two sick kids (I failed). Funny story, every time my wife takes a picture of our son now it looks like he has been drinking heavily.

Lastly, we had a little good news last night. We decided to get an estimate as to what our income taxes would be this year so we did a little online turbo tax stuff. Well it turns out that we are going to get a little over 5k back from the feds but owe the state $120. Considering we had over 17k in cancelled credit card debt that we had to claim we were very happy. So we filed with turbo tax on line and should get our money in a week or two.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another Week - Lot's more stuff

All right we had our first real snow this week and I'm sure everyone knows how cold it was. Granted I was out of town so Heather had to bundle up the kiddies and play. Without further ado I'll let the kids talk.
Issie: I had to go to the dockie twice this week to get my cough checked out. The first time they gave me bubble gum medicine (Amoxicilian) and then the second time I went in I got tested and now I have to wear this mask thingy and breathe. Editors note: This means she was diagnosed with "a restricted airway" which you me and the rest of the non-medical world calls asthma. We got her a nebulizer and give her treatments when she needs them. Not a big surprise given our allergy/asthma history. Then last night hile mommy and daddy were getting ready for their grown up game night I threw up. EN: Yup - apparently we got sick from going to the Dr so much this week, she threw up again after everyone left so at least we had our game night un-interrupted.
Zane: Seeing as how I'm still housebound the worst thing to happen to me this week is that mommy interrupted nap time twice so we could go pick up my big sister from pre-School. I mean how unfair is that, the younger child always gets the shaft! In adition to this my mouth hurts from the two teeth coming in, but I am able to play with my cars by myself longer which is a lot of fun.
Heather: This week I was housebound since I sure as heck wasn't going out in that cold weather. One funny thing that happened early this week was that in an attempt to keep my children from destroying my new phone I decided to keep it in my pocket. Well when I went pee and stood up you can probably guess where my phone ended up. Luckily Verizon covers water (or in this case pee) damage and after paying my deductible I have a new less fun phone (my new one is black and my old one was red). One really exciting thing that happened is that our across the street neighbors want me to watch their newborn and will pay me about $200 a week to do it. The best part is I don't start until August so I still get the summer to have fun.
Steve: Let's face it people mylife is less interestng than my kids or wife. I spent this week the week in Cincinatti and Columbus for work and other than given my sister grief for having to shovel her driveway while I was having a cocktail with dinner my work week went by quickly. We did have game night last night and it was fun. Heather and I are both a little worse for the long night since normally we act like old people and are in bed before 10:00. It was a change for us to actually interact with adults and not spend the entire evening talking about nothing but our kids.
That's it for this week. Heather came up with the new format so any derrogatory comments will be met with the go to Hell glare.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our First Blog

Heather and I decided to start our family blog so that we can update everyone a little more often than we have been. For those of you dense enough not to figure it out SHIZ is Steve, Heather, Issie and Zane. My lovely wife came up with it soince apparently the straight Kolodziej Family name was already taken.

Not a whole lot going on this week. Issie did start pre-school and so far she seems to enjoy it. They only comment she had after her first day was that one little boy, "Poo poo'd in the potty", yes ladies and gentlemen my daughter uses potty humor.

Zane is already starting to eat us out of house and home, Heather made chili the other night and the boy ate two bowls full. Made for some interesting diapers.

Bubbles is the same, she is spoiled rotten and has finally accepted the fact that the kids aren't going anywhere so they are allowed to touch her on occassion.

I was in St Louis and Springfield, MO this week and nothing exciting happened in either of those spots. Heather enjoyed the single child time when Issie was in pre-school. She had her first MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) meeting and thinks she'll like it. My wife is the only person I've ever heard of to injure her wrist while doing yoga. She always over does the program when she first starts.

Well that's the end of the first issue. Heather thinks she'll be writing the next one but considering that I am alone in hotel rooms a couple nights a week I'll probably get bored and add little tidbits here and there.