I know everyone's excited about getting two posts in a row. This week was rather exciting (well the weekend was at least) so here we go>
Issie got to meet her new pre-school teachers this past Wednesday and was a little upset that she doesn't have her teachers from last year anymore. She was a little shy but we're sure she'll get over that once school actually starts. Heather took the kids to the Children's Museum and met up with one of Issie's friends, Becca along with her sister. Issie had fun getting on the donkey (fake) in the new Egypt exhibit. Other than that Issie has been a little under the weather with allergy/asthma issues.
Mr. Zane was excited to go to the CM with mom and Issie because he has a little crush on Becca. It's really cute because he can say her name and whever a picture of her is on the computer he says her name. He also got a couple molars this week (maybe more on the way but getting in his mouth is next to impossible) which made for a pleasant couple days. He is getting in to the terrible twos a little early since he no longer listens to anyone and has started hitting if he doesn't get his way. We foresee lots of timeouts in his future.
Heather is feeling fine but rather uncomfortable when she sleeps. We think Jaxon has dropped because she looks a little smaller and definitely differently shaped. 5 weeks to go so he needs to cook for at least another 2. Granted with the washing machine on the blitz we are a little worried (the dryer quit a couple days before Zane's arrival).
Heather babysat for Aiden twice this week which gave her and I a crash course on dealing with three children' Aiden came with us when we went to Target for the kids 3 and 18 month pictures (Yeah we're behind and yes Heatehr emailed everyone a link) and it went pretty well. Heather also babysat for Jake and Joey last week so she had four kids (five for about an hour but that's a story for game night).
I'm excited that I get to be home fpr 2 weeks due to an OSHA 30hr training class my boss and I have to put on for some managers. I also managed to kill the bees we had living on the house last night and only one managed to get away from the initial spray and try to attack me (it failed). Hopefully this will put an end to Heather's creepy bee experiences (she's been harrassed by them for several weeks wherever she goes. So now we enter the waiting for Mr. Jaxon time and looking forward to the end of my fiscal year (hoping for a good September)