Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year New SHIZJ

OK so mayber we need to work on the name now that we have the little man's initial to add. Heather has been after me to renew my acquantance with the BLOG so we are updating together this very cold evening. So without further ado.....
Issie: Christmas Presents: Barbie 2-wheel bicycle with helmet (It even has a Barbie bike attached to the handlebar), Dress up clothes from Auntie Kristin, Tag reading system, bunch of games and play food not to mention Barbie clothes. Her favorite toy is her "married Barbies" she got the wedding set of Barbie and Ken. Unfortunately she enjoys making Ken nekkid.
She went back to pre-school last week and is still enjoyinh that. We are thinking about changing schools for her next year as our new Church has pre-school and it is not only closer but she goes longer each day.
Zane: Chrsitmas/B-Day presents: TRAIN TABLE, 'Rocket' 2 wheel bike, Tag Junior, Legos, a football (full sized), dress up from Auntie Kristin, play food, games, books, and a patridge in a pear tree.
He just had his 2yr old check up and was 37 1/2 inches tall (99%) and 29lbs (60%) our doctor says he's the size of an average 3yr old (we grow some big boys). He is starting to show potty interest and will pee on occasion in the potty. He is also turning into our difficult bedtime child as he is beginning the manipulation that we have gotten mostly out of Issie. Oh well what can you do.
Jaxon: Christmas Presents: Bears gear, clothes, few little toys and fresh fruit feeder, books. He is doing pretty well on the tummy time and keeping his head up so we foresee an early crawler. His hair is out of control and I will be looking into getting it cut before too long. Steve calls him Elvis due to the hair. He had to go to the doctor because his ear infection didn't go away so we're onto round two of antibiotics. At the doc he was 15lbs 10oz. (Issie weighed that at 6mos) Steve measured him the other night at almost 27inches long which, if correct, means he grew 2inches in a month.
We started putting him in his crib to sleep finally. Unfortunately he's a stomach sleeper which sorta freaks us out so we check on him a lot. He isn't sleeping through the night but we're getting a few hours at a time now. Acid reflux is mostly under control unless Heather gets crazy on the spice or garlic.
That's about it for the kids. For those of you who haven't heard, we went ahead and turned in Steve's company truck and went onto the allowance so we have a little extra to put in the bank each month. We got a 2007 Jeep Commander in burgundy. Steve loves it and is taking his first out of town trip in it tomorrow.
Heather has been sick lately which has put a pretty big dent in her half marathon training. She's running the 500 Festival Mini marathon on May 8th with one of her friends so wish her luck and lots of encouragement. I still plan on doing the urbanathon with my brother in Chicago whenver the schedule comes out so hopefully we'll both lose our 20-25 pounds this year.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life with 3 kids!!!!

Well Greetings!!! Life with 3 kids is well Challenging shall we say!!!We are still adjusting to Jaxon Cole .I cannot believe he is already a month old. He is a big boy already weighs 11lbs and 22 3/4 inches long. We are not sure on his personailty yet bc he has acid reflux/ touch of colic. Poor guy is in pain and crying quite a bit. He is getting an upper GI this thursday to make sure nothing is wrong . We are just ready for him to be happy and pain free !!Kids are also adjusting to life with new sibling. Both are doing well and pretty helpful when they want to be.Other then that we have been hanging out at home a lot with all the flu bugs going around.Well i will keep this short and sweet since i am sleep deprived .

Sunday, October 4, 2009

1 week till Due Date for Baby Jax

Greetings Everybody! I know it has been about 4 weeks since our last post.I am finally getting around to it. The biggest thing going on right now is the waiting on Baby Jaxon!!!! I am 39 weeks pregnant as of Monday!!! I have never been this pregnant before so needless to say I am ready!!! We are hoping and Praying he comes this week . Since I am attempting to delivery Vaginally after the previous 2 c-section we really need him to come this week since we have pretty big babies.I am dilated and effaced so hopefully it will happen soon.

Issie- She has been in preschool for over 3 weeks and is really enjoying it.They are currently working on going through the Alphabet . It is amazing to see her starting to write her letters. Issie is also going through growth spurt cannot believe she is in 4t already . She also eats like a normal kid now!!!She is really into her Dollhouse and Barbie at this point!!

Zane- We went to the Dentist and found out he now has 11 baby teeth!!!!!( It took him the past 8 months to finally bust in 4 new teeth.He is also getting more new teeth as I type. So he is no longer my good eater anymore but starting to think that almost two year olds are just bad eaters .Zane is really into throwing balls( starting to break things already,guess we will have a no ball rule in house in few years with two boys)He also loves cars and trains!

Other than that we have really nice fall weather up here!!! Steve is currently watchingFootball as i type!!! In case you were wondering !! He has been home a lot the last few weeks , has been nice.I will leave this blog nice and short since the next one will have a new family member!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wow - Two in a row

I know everyone's excited about getting two posts in a row. This week was rather exciting (well the weekend was at least) so here we go>

Issie got to meet her new pre-school teachers this past Wednesday and was a little upset that she doesn't have her teachers from last year anymore. She was a little shy but we're sure she'll get over that once school actually starts. Heather took the kids to the Children's Museum and met up with one of Issie's friends, Becca along with her sister. Issie had fun getting on the donkey (fake) in the new Egypt exhibit. Other than that Issie has been a little under the weather with allergy/asthma issues.

Mr. Zane was excited to go to the CM with mom and Issie because he has a little crush on Becca. It's really cute because he can say her name and whever a picture of her is on the computer he says her name. He also got a couple molars this week (maybe more on the way but getting in his mouth is next to impossible) which made for a pleasant couple days. He is getting in to the terrible twos a little early since he no longer listens to anyone and has started hitting if he doesn't get his way. We foresee lots of timeouts in his future.

Heather is feeling fine but rather uncomfortable when she sleeps. We think Jaxon has dropped because she looks a little smaller and definitely differently shaped. 5 weeks to go so he needs to cook for at least another 2. Granted with the washing machine on the blitz we are a little worried (the dryer quit a couple days before Zane's arrival).

Heather babysat for Aiden twice this week which gave her and I a crash course on dealing with three children' Aiden came with us when we went to Target for the kids 3 and 18 month pictures (Yeah we're behind and yes Heatehr emailed everyone a link) and it went pretty well. Heather also babysat for Jake and Joey last week so she had four kids (five for about an hour but that's a story for game night).

I'm excited that I get to be home fpr 2 weeks due to an OSHA 30hr training class my boss and I have to put on for some managers. I also managed to kill the bees we had living on the house last night and only one managed to get away from the initial spray and try to attack me (it failed). Hopefully this will put an end to Heather's creepy bee experiences (she's been harrassed by them for several weeks wherever she goes. So now we enter the waiting for Mr. Jaxon time and looking forward to the end of my fiscal year (hoping for a good September)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August Summary

We know it's been about two months since our last update but we've been a little busy and have been having electronics issues. That and the fact that we thought we would be moving in the middle of that stretch didn't help.
Our 6 year old desktop bit the dust completely. Steve pulled the hard drive in an attempt to get someone with more computer savy than us to pull all our family pictures off of it. Kristin was kind enough to give us the use of her old Mac iBook but it isn't working consistantly so Steve is going to take it with him out of town one of these days to work on it.
I'm a little uncomfortable with being 7 weeks away from my due date. Jaxon is beating me up and doesn't let me sleep. Other than that I'm feeling pretty good. I only gained 25lbs so far and am trying to keep in under 30 for the entire pregnancy. We are starting to think about the schedule for when he gets here and the help rotation.
Steve has been traveling his usual and obviously isn't getting the Peoria job due to Regional President interference and low salary offer. Still looking for something with him home every night.
Issie starts pre-school in three weeks and we meet her teachers the week before that. One of the teachers was a sub last year and Issie was specifically requested by her. Issie's now obsessed with the mini princess dolls from Disney that have rubber dresses for some reason (obviously the dresses are difficult to put on and we've torn a couple already) and she "loves" the Spiderman sock n bop. By love I mean literally she tackles it to the ground, lays on top of it and "makes out". No idea where she gets this I'm not in the habit of tackling my wife and pinning her to the ground for kisses.
Zane is our little artist (and as you see by the pic does a mean Jedi impression) He will sit at the Ikea table in the kitchen and color for hours. The only draw back is that about every minute or so he'll come up to you with a crayon and in his cute little voice say "Momma (or daddy), Z" Obviously he already knows what a Z looks like and he actually adds them to his scibbles. We think this is a little ahead since we only recently got Issie to draw the "I".
We'll try to update more often again. Just getting as much summer fun in with the kids while the weather cooperates and we still have just the two of them.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mid June happenings

Hello to all, I would love for somebody to actually respond so I know I am not doing this for myself!!!! Yes different writer, can you tell who?Well where to start, so far here in Indiana it has been very rainy but it is finally starting to get warm. I mean mid 80's!!
Isabella- She is still in the terrible 3's, still working on this. She had her 3 year checkup and we were surprised to find she is almost 32lbs and 38 1/2 inches tall!! She is 75% for height and weight! We put her in Vacation Bible school last week , but we only lasted 3 nights. It was weird time for little kids 6:30 to 830 pm . She was the youngest did ok had one terrible 3 fit where I am chasing her across gym while 50 people are staring. ( It was lovely) so we left and no more vbs .She does want to read bible stories now so I guess she did get something out of it.Also yesterday she had her 1st princess party! ( for those of you that do not know that means she dresses up like a princess).Just starting playing in her room with Barbies by her self!!! ( It is so nice)
Zane- Hard to believe he just turned 18 months!!! He is talking really well, everyday he surprises me by what he says already. His two newest are where he is? ( talking about Daddy) and what happened?Another funny thing about Zane is his feet they are huge for his age he is already a size 7 in toddlers( Issie is a size 8 in toddlers) .Other then that he is a happy little guy!!!He is still in the Elmo phase, every moring when I get him out of his crib he says Elmo!!!!
Jaxon- I am 24 weeks pregnant , 6 months already. Baby is doing good! He is very active already!
As for me - just trying to get out of house with kiddo's everyday and do fun summer things. We are going to Memphis in about a Week and half for Fourth of July. I am not looking forward to driving 8 plus hours by myself with the kids but pray it will go smooth!!
Steve has rough work schedule coming up he leaves tomorrow for Kansas and will be back sometime Thursday night. And then leaves Sunday morning for Memphis and will be there 8 days. He has training nearby so kids and I will see him late wed night when we get in town.Other then that waiting on Job offer for Steve for Peoria.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Issie turns 3!!

As you all know Issie turned 3 on June 3rd. We had her party last Saturday at Forest park with a bunch of her little friends. For her actual b-day on Wednesday we were going to go to the zoo but the rain pushed us to the Children's Museum. We have definitely already entered the terrible 3's and Steve and I are using our parental tricks to try to solve this problem.

Zane is currently the easy child and as you can see by the picture is starting to love playing in the water. We shaved some hair off his head and while it's a little short he is still a handsome little man. We have decided to keep one of those small helium tanks around because Zane will play with balloons for hours.

Jaxon's cyst was not able to be seen on the u/s Tues so we're excited about that. The only proble we may have is that the u/s tech and the Dr. have already said he is a big boy. Might be trouble trying to deliver naturally. Nothing new since the cards are always stacked against me.

We get to have a date night coming up for our 6 year anniv. Not sure where we are going but we are definitely getting out of the house. We get to get outside more now that the temp. is up. The kids love being outside but I have to watch the fair haired child.